Author Archives: editorian

Part 1 of “In Containment” series uploaded to DocumentingIan Channel
Part 1 of Ian’s new documentary series “In Containment”, an update on the ongoing crises in Minamisoma, has just been uploaded to the DocumentingIan Channel. Part 1 opens with people in the city of Minamisoma, Fukushima remembering the victims of the tsunami fifteen months after the March 11 disaster. Ian then visits the former site of the 20 km exclusion zone and is questioned by a police officer. Later, citizens of Minamisoma share the personal struggles they continue to face. Parts 2-5 of the series are scheduled to be uploaded over the next 10 days. To receive automatic notifications when the new parts are uploaded, please click “subscribe” on the […]

French version of “Nuclear Refugees” uploaded to DocumentingIan Channel
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of fellow YouTuber Kna, a French-subtitled version of Ian’s recent documentary “Nuclear Refugees: the people of Iitate Village, one year on” has just been posted to the DocumentingIan Channel. The French-speaking world can find Les réfugiés du nucléaire : les habitants du village d’Iitate, un an après here.

“Nuclear Refugees” uploaded to DocumentingIan Channel
“Nuclear Refugees: the people of Iitate Village” (2012/ Japan/ 18 minutes) has been uploaded to the DocumentingIan Channel. “Nuclear Refugees” tells the story of the village of Iitate, which lies 40 km from the damaged nuclear power plant in Fukushima. In May 2011, two months after the nuclear meltdown, the entire village of Iitate was evacuated. “Nuclear Refugees” combines interviews with the villagers as they are preparing for evacuation, along with footage of the village filmed this month, one year after evacuation.

Trailer for “-1287” uploaded to DocumentingIan Channel
For the past four years, Ian has been working on a very personal documentary in the background of the other work he has been doing. When Ian’s friend Kazuko was given 3-4 years to live after being diagnosed with a terminal illness, they decided to document the last years of her life. Kazuko shares her thoughts on money, love, marriage and raising children, all within the greater context of her own life and impending death. The filming on the feature-length documentary, tentatively called “-1287” ended two weeks ago, and the film is currently being edited. Ian has just posted the trailer for “-1287” to his DocumentingIan Channel.

“In the Grey Zone” available in Nyon Doc Market
Ian’s documentary “In the Grey Zone” will be available for viewing in the Doc Outlook International Market at this year’s Visions du Reel film festival in Nyon, Switzerland (April 20-27). The market “ensures excellent working conditions for producers, buyers, decision-makers and distributors supported by optimum facilities and cutting edge tools. It fosters contacts for the funding and promotion of films, as well as for networking and for acquiring film rights.” To see the film’s listing, click here.

Ian featured in PSU alumni newsletter
Ian’s alma mater, Plattsburgh State University of New York, has featured him in this month’s issue of their alumni newsletter, “Calling Card”. Please click here for the article.

“In the Zone: one year later” uploaded to DocumentingIan Channel
During the week leading up to the one-year anniversary of the March 11 disaster, Ian traveled to the city of Minamisoma in Fukushima Prefecture to film an update on the people living in the radiation zone one year on. The 27-minute documentary, which was uploaded to DocumentingIan’s Channel in 3 installments beginning on March 9th, can be viewed below:

“One Year Later: In the Radiation Zone” published by Discovery News
On March 9, 2012 Discovery News published in its “Human” section this article and accompanying documentary by Ian about the conditions in the Fukushima radiation zone one year after the March 11, 2011 disaster. The article was featured on the front page of Discovery News all day on March 11 (screen grab above).